The objective of this report is to provide recommendations that optimize indoor air quality and HVAC energy performance through the use of HLR Technology. The recommendations were developed in compliance with ASHRAE 62.1-2019 Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP), International Mechanical Code, and Michigan Mechanical Code. Appendix A provides an overview of HLR Technology.
IAQP Calculation Results
Per the IAQP calculations, it is recommended to install (30) HLR Modules. This results in a 80% reduction (~87,440 CFM) in minimum outside air flow. A summary of inputs and outputs for the IAQP calculations is provided in Table 1 below.
Note that the proposed number of HLR modules can be optimized (increased or decreased) pending further discussion on project goals specific to indoor air quality, pressurization requirements, capital costs / budget, and available space in mechanical rooms.
Capital Savings / Load Reduction
The proposed solution results in a new design minimum outside airflow. Designing towards this reduced outside airflow can have a systemic effect on the HVAC design and can allow for the following cost saving measures: 1. Reduce overall load on central heating and cooling equipment. 2. Reduce overall capacity of cooling and heating coils inside HVAC equipment. 3. Downsize or eliminate energy recovery systems. 4. Eliminate demand control ventilation / CO2 sensors, if applicable 5. Downsize outside air intakes and respective ductwork. 6. Downsize or eliminate general-exhaust fans. 7. Leverage the use of existing base building ventilation systems in lieu of installing new ventilation systems.
Design Integration
HLR modules can be easily integrated with the air handling units. Refer to the HLR Technology Design Guide (provided electronically). Project specific integration sketches and proposed layout of HLR modules in mechanical rooms can be provided upon further request.
Additional Considerations
1. Annual operational / energy cost savings (in dollars) can be determined based on expected building operating hours, occupancy profiles, energy utility rates, energy modeling results, and several other parameters not covered in this report. 2. Utility rebate incentives may be available to offset first costs of HLR modules.
Appendix A: HLR Technology Overview
The HLR – 100M unit is a smart scrubber with unique air cleaning and sensing capabilities. It includes patented CO2, formaldehyde, and volatile organic compound (VOC) sorbents housed in proprietary cartridges; one fan for air cleaning mode; and an optional set of sensors measuring temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds of return, supply and treated air. Figure 1 and Figure 2 compares conventional air handling to HLR system air handling. As shown in the Figure 2, during normal operation, a fraction of the return airstream is directed through the sorbent cartridges to remove contaminants of concern. The module can also be installed in an independent application where it serves the space directly.